The power of Entrance area 玄関のチカラ
As I always say, entrance area at home and reception area in the restaurant or hotel is the most important place. It is a face of home....
Give love to your entrance, and let it love you!;玄関に手をかけて、玄関に愛してもらおう!
Hello everybody, how are you? One of the most romantic events of the year is coming soon on Tuesday February 14th. Valentine's Day. I...
Each area in home has its own role and function; Living area それぞれのエリアにはそれぞれの役割と機能がある(リビングルーム編)
前回は、「玄関」の役割についてお話しさせていただきました。 玄関はお家の「顔」でもあり、(レストランであれば「レセプション」ですね。) 入った時の”ウェルカム感”がとても大切になってきます。 Previously I talked about entrance area's...