Ai's clients share their experiences.
Y & M (Office workers) Ehime, Japan
We finally decided to work on our bedroom after long time we kept postponing with many excuses.
(①Bedroom、②Entrance Area、③Living Room)
★Before Project
I had some health issues such as poor sleep, dull feeling, no energy, PMS, anxiety...just like there were lots of burdens loaded on my shoulders.As for my husband, he had some issues at his work. He was stressed out from a huge pressure because he gets paid fully commissions. Even he worked so hard, he could not see results that he expected.We finally started our bedroom project with an expectation to change our stuck energy to shift to more positive flow, while we were also suspicious about it.
Before Ai's Consultation
Messy Bedroom
Messy Bedroom
★During The Project
Since I was very determined for new changes, I think they came to me very quickly. I knew already what's unnecessary in the bedroom and I just could not let them go, but once I was committed I did not hesitate at all to throw unnecessary things away.
The amount of the stuff we decluttered was approximately more that 20 bags of 45 litter trash was almost like we were trying to do a midnight disappearing....
But I felt a bit sad just to throw things away because I had some guilty feelings, so I brought them thrift shops to cash out, which actually I enjoyed.
On the other hand, my husband was very indecisive and trying to hold things, which made the project somehow difficult. But once I knew he listened to Ai very well, I often told him "This is what Ai said....." and it worked really well..since then he made a drastic change. And surprisingly, he even moved all the furniture in the bedroom by himself, which was our final task, as the way Ai suggested, on the very next day right after Ai gave us the final task.
It was really amazing to see my husband positive changes while the bedroom was drastically transforming through the project.
My husband said, "I have been getting great results recently! I have no idea why but even the most difficult client has given me a good response. " At first I thought he was just joking but later I was so happy after figuring out it was true.
Began With Reducing The Amount Of Clothes
Messy Dresser
Removed the mess
Decluttered Dresser
Cleaned And Decluttered The Dusty Rack
Cleaning the dresser
Cleaning the dresser
Cleaning the dresser
Suitcases Are Great Storages
Do not keep the empty suitcase. Use it!
Do not keep the empty suitcase. Use it!
★After The Project
Once the cluttered bedroom became so tidy and clean, we feel so comfortable but at the same time other cluttered rooms started bothering us.
I sleep on a mattress with my husband and 3 year old son, but Ai suggested that we should switch to Japanese traditional futon style just to save space in this small bedroom.
Once we get rid of this mattress on the recycle day, finally we can finish this project.
I am looking forward to sleeping in futon style, which I did long time ago.
I still feel mentally unstable sometimes, but my physical health condition has been getting better and better for sure. My period cycle got back to normal again, and I can sleep very well without waking up until morning now.
Even my son, who used to had difficult time to get up from the bed in the morning, can wake up very easily. And the funny thing is that he likes to stay in the bedroom now...I think it's because the bedroom is a very comfortable place now.
Throughout the project, some of my husband's old issues which were not taken care of for long came out and I am hoping he will take care of them, which actually he has just started. Now we are ready to move forward to the next project: Entrance area! Stay tune...!